Sunday, 9 November 2008

Green Family Hui Labour Weekend 2008

Well - after all the planning, organising and cajoling people into letting us know their plans for accommodation, food and activities Labour Weekend rolled around and everyone started to arrive at Bellevue Gardens Function Centre in Lower Hutt.

It rained! and rained! and rained! We were pleased we had chosen Bellevue as the venue as it had motel accommodation across the driveway from the main complex. It was very convenient for those staying there, especially as it was such a wet weekend.

We had the main restaurant to ourselves for dinner on the Saturday night. Gordon brought the original (1967) family tree and an updated version of the descendants for Doris and Victor Green. Lots of people had brought photos dating back many decades. There was plenty to do in the pre-dinner time as we pored over photos, tried to work out who was who and looked at the family trees to see where all fitted together.

After dinner the younger ones went to various rooms where they were staying and played games while the adults kept talking and catching up on current and past events and people.

On Sunday morning around 40 people gathered for brunch and more photo gazing and chatting. Then while some went their own way 34 of us piled into a bus for a tour of places of interest to the Green family.
First stop was the Karori cemetery where Dad/Grandad/Great-grandad Victor Green was buried. Gordon told us that Uncle Cyril ( Victor's brother) who lived in a neighbouring street decided that the most suitable plot was at the northern end of the cemetery facing the hills and on a steep bank with bush at the bottom and all around. Victor has been a keen mountaineer in his time. What Uncle Cyril didn't take into account was that Doris (Mum/Nana) was living in Lower Hutt with seven children and one more on the way. He clearly didn't think about how she might get to visit the grave with all the children - bus, train, tram! Quite an excursion that Gordon remembers vividly.

From there we drove through the city past Parliament (for the benefit of out of towners) and back to Lower Hutt where we drove past and stopped at various places where the family lived. At one place (168 Cambridge Terrace, Epuni) children were peering through the curtains wondering why a big bus was parked outside with a lot of people looking at their home.

Then it was back to Bellevue to pick up cars and off to June's for afternoon tea. We dispersed from there late on Sunday afternoon after a busy, informative and most enjoyable 24 hours together.

1 comment:

DianeR said...

Hi all-just got this blogging sorted out-i hope-
thanks for setting it up
great photo(of most people!)and the weekend was fantastic-thanks again Judy-the way you juggle your life and work & family & other things puts me to shame-maybe when i grow up...

Hi Peter whats the weather like over there??

Thank goodness Mum-June-daughter of Doris-didnt know about the name Amaziah when she was naming her boys!-she loves it.

Celia what are you doing in OZ?? and Carolyn -is the news all good??